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2. Login Window
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2. Login Window

The Login Window

From your computer desktop, open Windows Internet Explorer and browse to the URL defined during system setup. You will see the Login Window. Before you can access your system, you must enter a valid username and password.

Usernames are not case sensitive and can be entered with any combination of upper and lowercase letters. Passwords are case sensitive. You must type your password exactly as it was entered into the database by your System Administrator. Case sensitive means that an uppercase letter is different from a lowercase letter.

The passwords "Password" and "password" are not the same.

Press the 'Enter' key or click on the 'GO' button and your login information will be verified. If the username and password entered are valid (exist in the User database) you will see the Main Window. If not, you will see an error message noting that the information you entered is invalid. You must enter your username and password again or check with your System Administrator to verify your login credentials.

Image Login_Window.JPG

The Database selection box allows you to choose which of your databases you want to log into. Use the database selection box to select which database you want to log into. Once you select a database, this selection will be preserved for you until you change it again during the login process.

Each site consists of two databases, a production database and a test database.

The test database is the database that you used during your training (pre-live) period. This database remains available after you go live. This database is intended for you to use to train new employees or to use as a practice area. The test database is denoted by 'TEST' at the end of the database name. Your live database is your site name.

In the example above, the user will be logged into the test database called "staging-dev26_test".

Upon the entry of valid login information you will be presented with the 'Main' window.

2. Login Window
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3. Main Window